Monday, May 3, 2010

w h a t w e r e y o u t h i n k i n g?

Now I mean this section is typically reserved for legit kicks that are bit off but we had to put our followers up on this info considering many of you may be searching the 'bay for a pair of the S.A. XI's that dropped this weekend.

Please note, the guys over @ e n t e r s p a c e ... do not condone fakes and would never want to put anyone on blast cause there's enough negativity in the world already. We just want to make sure no one cops fakes thinking that they're legit. We seriously hope this seller just doesn't know that these are straight bootleg...

Check out these supposed "Factory Variants" of the XI's. These bootlegs from afar look decent considering how bad some of the fake XI's out in the market look. Dead giveaways that these are bootleg, look at the box and notice it says "Tiker" instead of "Tinker". Secondly its suppose to be "JUMPMAN JORDAN" on the tongue tag not "UUMOMON UOOOON". I'm not gonna lie the bootleggers out in China have seriously stepped up their game in terms of bootleggin but for some reason they still haven't found a way to bootleg the carbon fiber plate on the sole.


We apologize to the seller cause we're not trying hate on you but don't be fooled into copping these bootleg kicks... The price looks right but the only person you're cheating is yourself!

Stay informed and like TSG always says, "Say No to Fakes!"

P.S. A couple of things to remember when looking for XI's to ensure they're authenticity:
  1. Always check the Carbon Fiber Shank on the sole, if it looks painted on and is too uniform it's probably fake
  2. Always check the height of the clear sole on the heel, it shouldn't be too low and is typically quite prominent.
  3. Always check the height and lettering on the tongue tag. It should typically be found on the third lace eyelets and shouldn't be obstructed from view. Only the Space Jam retros from '00 will say "JUMPMAN JAM", all other models have "JUMPMAN JORDAN" instead ('09 SJ included).
  4. Always check the 23 on the ankle area, it's never too big or too wide
  5. AND PRICE! If it's too good to be true, it probably is!!!

1 comment:

  1. looks like eBay wised up and removed the sellers listings.
